Tag: gluten free cooking

What We Ate Last Week

What We Ate Last Week

Hey there! First of all, I apologize for the lack of posting lately. My excuses are summertime travel and the fact that I don’t have any perfected recipes to share with you. As I’ve mentioned, I’m experimenting with a carnivore diet and it truly has 

Chocolate Delight (No Sugar Added, Keto, Gluten Free)

Chocolate Delight (No Sugar Added, Keto, Gluten Free)

This recipe is such a treat on a hot, summer day! It does take a little work and is best after a little chill time in the fridge, but it makes enough for a crowd (or lots for you) and is well worth every bit 

Heavenly Eggs and Baconnaise (yes, two recipes in one post!)

Heavenly Eggs and Baconnaise (yes, two recipes in one post!)

It’s the little things that you miss when you start eating Paleo. On the surface, it seems that if you give up gluten, peanuts, soy sauce and cheese, you’ll be all set. But if you dig into the details of the paleo diet, you’ll see that there really is much more to it.

Among the list of “no” foods for the paleo diet, there will certainly be some that are more bothersome to you than others. This is why it is highly recommended that you do an elimination type diet when you first begin. Take everything out and slowly add back in. You’ll learn where you can stretch the rules of the diet and where you can’t.

For example, I can handle a little dairy, but I do not tolerate legumes at all. I am fine with a small amount of grains, particularly white rice, but industrial seed oils send me reeling.

Which is how I came to this recipe for bacon mayonnaise, or baconnaise for short. Mayonnaise helps so many recipes come together. I did not want to live without it forever.

I have to give credit to Diane Sanfilippo and her baconnaise recipe in Practical Paleo because I would not have thought of this on my own. I have tweaked the recipe a bit to suit our tastes, but I got the idea from her. I think I’ve recommended her book about a zillion times, but I’ll do it again in a heartbeat. If you buy one paleo cookbook, buy this one.

The marketplace has changed a lot since my early paleo days when we had to make everything from scratch (and when I first created these recipes). There are now several good mayonnaises on the market that use non-inflammatory oils. Primal Kitchen brand, Chosen Foods, Sir Kensington’s and Thrive Market are just a few. If you decide to buy one of these mayos rather than make your own, just read the ingredients list carefully and make sure they are not mixing avocado oil with canola or some other inflammatory oil. The big manufacturers have been making “olive oil” mayo for years, but they are still primarily made of canola or soybean oil and so that doesn’t count.

My most frequent uses for this baconnaise are in my heavenly (deviled) eggs and bacon and egg salad, but I’ve used it to make salad dressings too when I’ve been out of my homemade avocado oil mayo. But don’t let these two little ideas hold you back. Use this baconnaise anyplace you would use mayonnaise: broccoli salad, turkey sandwiches, coleslaw, and on and on. The applications are endless!


Like mayonnaise, but with bacon!
Cook Time 10 mins


  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 1 1/2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. dijon mustard
  • 1/2 cup bacon fat, melted and cooled
  • 1/4 tsp. salt


  • In a small mixing bowl, combine egg yolk, lemon juice and dijon mustard.
  • Slowly drizzle bacon fat into the egg yolk mixture, whisking continuously. This takes coordination! Pour with one hand, whisk with the other.
  • Taste! Depending on the salt content of your bacon (or lack thereof) you may or may not need to add salt to your baconnaise. Add it now if you need to.
  • Sometimes when I make this, it whisks up nice and thick. Other times it does not thicken well and I need to refrigerate it for a few minutes. If your bacon mayo is a little too thin, don't worry. Just pop it in the fridge and it will thicken up.
  • Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Keeps for about a week.
Keyword Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo

Heavenly Eggs

Like Deviled Eggs, but More Virtuous
Prep Time 20 mins
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine American, Comfort Food
Servings 12 deviled eggs


  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 1/2 tsp. dijon or yellow mustard, your choice
  • 3 Tbsp. baconnaise
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. sweet relish, pickle or zucchini* drain some of the liquid


  • Hard boil your eggs. My favorite way is with the Instant Pot. Pour about 1 inch of water in the pot, set in the rack, set eggs on rack, seal pot and set for 3 minutes on high.
  • As soon as the Instant Pot is done, quick release the steam and remove the eggs to a bowl of ice water.
  • Once chilled, which only takes about 5 minutes, peel eggs, rinse them and pat them dry.
  • Slice eggs in half, placing whites on a serving tray and the yolks in a mixing bowl.
  • Break up the yolks with a fork or a whisk. Add the other ingredients and mix well to combine. Give it a taste for seasoning and add anything you'd like more of.
  • Either spoon the yolk mixture into the whites or create a piping bag with a ziptop bag and pipe in the filling. You can garnish with a little extra relish, a sprig of fresh herbs or a sprinkle of paprika. I left mine plain and they're still beautiful.
  • I would never use my Instant Pot to cook only 6 eggs. I would either double this recipe if I were serving a crowd or at least cook more eggs and simply keep them in the fridge for snacks.
  • If not serving (or eating) these right away, store in the refrigerator until ready to eat.


I use homemade zucchini relish. It’s delicious and well worth the effort to make it every summer. If you want to see how to make it, I have a video here. Otherwise, use whatever pickle relish you like. 
Keyword Carnivore, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, keto, Paleo
Cook With Me – 7 Gluten Free Meal Ideas

Cook With Me – 7 Gluten Free Meal Ideas

If you’re struggling with what to make for dinner, I hope this post (and the accompanying video) will help! I will confess right off the bat that I filmed this content last summer. Since some of you only read the blog and never watch my