Paleo Pantry Meals

Paleo Pantry Meals

Considering the current economic climate in the United States (maybe other countries as well?), we are doing as much belt-tightening around here as we possibly can.

As someone who makes up recipes and publishes them on the internet, I usually grocery shop based on a list of ingredients for meals I want to create regardless of what is currently on sale.

But things are different now. I am still creating recipes from whatever happens to pop into my head, but I’m limiting those creative endeavors to once, maybe twice per week. The rest of the time, we are eating what is on sale and focusing on less expensive, yet still quality ingredients.

This means lots of eggs, more frozen vegetables than fresh, canned fish, cheaper cuts of meat like bone-in chicken thighs.

I created the graphic below as an aid for those nights when you forgot to plan something, but probably have enough ingredients on hand to put together a nutritious and delicious meal. It just so happens that most of these require more budget-friendly ingredients: eggs, ground meat, dried pasta, canned fish, little bits of whatever is left in your fridge.

Pizza made with sourdough starter for the crust and topped with leftover roasted vegetables (hidden underneath all that beautiful cheese)

So whether you’re looking for a dinner idea in a pinch or trying to cut down on your grocery budget – or both – I hope you will find these ideals helpful. Most of these ideas have lots and lots of variations so let these suggestions be just that, suggestions, and let your creativity and what you have available at home, determine the final dish.